How to Make an Air Plant Terrarium
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Make an air plant terrarium if you want to add a little bit of nature into your home. Making a terrarium is a straightforward technique that may be enjoyable for both youngsters and plant enthusiasts. Getting a glass terrarium and filling it with sand, rocks, and other decorations is all it takes. Because air plants are hardy, they don’t require much care. Build your terrarium, then decorate it before letting it liven up your space.
For your terrarium, choose up to three Tillandsia plants.
Tillandsia, or air plants, grow in a variety of sizes, so choose the ones you want before selecting a terrarium container. Many of them can reach 5 in (13 cm) in length and 4 in (10 cm) in width. Some varieties, however, can grow up to 3 ft (0.91 m) long and will not last long in a terrarium. If you’re not sure how many to get, start with one and add more later if there’s room.
Loliacea, funkiana, and stricta are all excellent terrarium plants. Tillandsia stricta grows larger than the others, so you might not be able to fit more than one in a single terrarium.
Choose a vented glass container for your plants.
Onceyou’ve decided on the size of the tree, find a quality container to fit in. These containers come in a variety of sizes and styles, so be aware of how you want the finished terrarium to look. The circular terrarium is suitable for most small air plants, but make sure you have an open side or a side. Teardrop and pyramid containers fit on strict Tillandsia, but make sure to lack a panel at the top or side for ventilation.
Thesize of the vent may vary depending on the terrarium selected. Consider where you will place the terrarium. Some containers are placed on a flat surface rather than hanging.
Make sure you have one with a cord or hook if you want to hang your terrarium! You can also reuse glass bowls or jars for your terrarium. Most will be about 5 in (13 cm) or more in diameter.
As long as there is plenty of air that can get in, your air system should be safe. Containers, as well as the remaining supplies needed for the terrarium, are available online and at most home and garden centers.
Smaller terrariums are easier to care for if you are a beginner. Also, they are usually cheaper.
Choose a terrarium base from sand, pebbles, or another material.
Choose something light and breathable that won’t hold a lot of water. If you want to keep things simple, get some coarse aquarium or sandbox sand. Color can be added to your terrarium with aquarium gravel or polished pebbles. To make your terrarium stand out, add decorative moss or crushed, recycled glass.
Air plants do not require soil. Soil absorbs moisture and can cause plants to rot, so it’s best to avoid it.
To add style to your terrarium, try layering different bases. You could, for example, combine white sand, coloured pebbles, and crushed glass.